The contact-intestinal insecticide of systemic action, designed to be applied to rapes and sunflowers against a wide range of plant pests.
Active Fraction Content Thiacloprid, 240 g/L
Chemical Group Neonicotinoids
Preparative Form Oil dispersion
WHO Classification III hazard class.
The high efficient insecticide against a wide range of pests.
It is best against rapeseed/pollen beetle and green rose chafer.
Quick “knockdown-effect”.
Safe for bees and useful entomophages.
High efficiency at high temperatures.
It has excellent holding, adhesive and distributing properties.
Higher resistance to be washed off by rain.
The preparation causes continuous excitement of the nervous system in pests and as a result, causes their death some time later. The preparation moves horizontally on a plant and has a trans-laminar effect. After contact with the pest, the so-called "knock-out effect" appears: insects stop feeding and, after a short period of time, die.
The insecticide of a wide spectrum of action against Homoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidortera.
Thiacloprid has a so-called "knock-down effect", that is, it has a very high rate of exposure. Visible signs appear within an hour since it has been applied.
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17.12.2024 16:41
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