Systemic fungicide and etching agent of protective and curative action, designed for protection of cereals, sunflowers and sugar beets against many fungal diseases.
Active Fraction Content Carbendazim, 500 g/L
Chemical Group Benzimidazole/ Benzoglyoxaline derivatives
Preparative Form Suspension Concentrate
КWHO Classification III class (Moderate toxicity substance), toxicity-free for bees, low-toxicity for fishes.
The preparation excellently controls of most fungal diseases in the most diverse climatic conditions.
It has a preventive and curative effect, stopping the disease in the early phase.
It provides an extended protective period.
The preparation is effective when one-time used.
It represents a traditional component of complex plant protection systems.
It is well tolerated by plants irrespective of the stage of development of culture.
Universal systemic fungicide of the protective and curative action. The preparation is absorbed by the root system and leaves of plants rapidly translocates into all parts of the plant, blocks the processes of fusion nuclei, delays the germination of their spores, reduces the growth of mycelium, thereby providing maximum protection of many cultures against fungal diseases.
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29.01.2024 11:54
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