

BANETEN фото 1 DefendaBANETEN фото 2 Defenda
BANETEN фото 3 DefendaBANETEN фото 4 Defenda

Selective contact post-emergence herbicide of systemic action for control over the annual broad-leaved weeds, including resistant to 2M-4X in soya and pea seeds.

BANETEN фото 5 DefendaBANETEN фото 6 Defenda

Active Fraction Content Bentazone, 480 g/L

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Chemical Group Thiadiazines derivate

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Preparative Form Concentrate dissolvable

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WHO Classification III class (moderately hazardous substance)

Advantages of product

The preparation does not affect the succeeding crop rotation cultures since its half-life in normal weather conditions lasts approximately 30 days.

The preparation completely destroys the annual dicotyledonous weeds, including the weeds resistant to 2.4-D and 2M-4X

The preparation effectively fights against the dicotyledonous weeds in such cultures, like cereals (barley, wheat), grains with sowings (clover, alfalfa), legumes (clover, alfalfa), and grain legumes or leguminous (soya, pea).

BANETEN фото 1 Defenda

Mechanism of Action

Bentazone has an expressed contact action and is absorbed mainly by green parts of plants. The active substance initiates the process of photosynthesis. Weeds start to die out in 3-5 days.

BANETEN фото 2 Defenda


The most available broad-leaved weeds, including such weeds, as black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), fathen white or pigweed (Chenopodium album), amaranth (species), burweed (Xanthlum) (species), datura (species), tickseed acanaceous (Bidens), field mustard.

BANETEN фото 3 Defenda

Preparation Properties

It is a contact herbicide and is absorbed mainly by green parts of plants. In order to achieve the best results leaves, footstalks and stems of weeds should be sufficiently dampened with herbicide. Weeds are perishing slower than when herbicides of other groups are used. The cold weather slows down the effect of this herbicide.

Consumption Standards & Application Terms

Culture, weed to be treated
Destructive Weeds
Application Method
Consumption Standards, l/ha
Number of Treatments
Culture, weed to be treated
Destructive Weeds
Annual dicotyledonous weeds.
Application Method
Spraying of crops starting from the phase when the 1-3 leaf (leaves) of the culture appear/s.
Consumption Standards, l/ha
Number of Treatments
Culture, weed to be treated
Destructive Weeds
Annual dicotyledonous weeds.
Application Method
Spraying of crops starting from the phase of 3-7 leaves of the culture.
Consumption Standards, l/ha
Number of Treatments

Recommendations for Use

Application Features

Spraying should be done at an air temperature range from + 10˚С to + 25˚С and the wind speed not higher than 3 m / sec at small-drop spraying and 4 m / sec at large-drop spraying.

Spray Material Consumption Standards

l / ha.


Herbicide may be applied along with mineral fertilizers and other herbicides, however, for the latter, it is recommended to check whether they are compatible or not before using in tank mixes.

Precautions in Use

The distance from the sanitary (buffer) zone to inhabited localities, livestock complexes, places for manual operations, reservoirs and recreation areas should not be less than 300 m.




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