Selective system soil herbicide designed for control of annual broad-leaved weeds in areas with soybeans.
Active Fraction Content Metribuzin, 600 g/L
Chemical Group Triazine derivatives
Preparative Form Suspension Concentrate
WHO Classification III class (low-toxic substance)
Характеризується високоефективною і довгостроковою захисною дією.
Знищує вегетуючі бур’яни (початкові стадії росту) і їх проростки.
Мінімальне пестицидне навантаження на навколишнє середовище.
Metribuzin appears in a plant through leaves and roots and is acropetally moving along the xylem. It breaks down the electron transport in a plant, which is involved in the photosynthesis process due thereto a plant dies.
The preparation is high-effective against such dicotyledonous weeds as: amaranth (at the initial stages of development), bluebottle common centaury (Centaurea cyanus), pigweed, common fumitory (Fumaria officinalis), common hemp nettle (Galeopsis), chamomile, buckwheat, common purslane (Portulaca oleracea), thistle yellow, field mustard (Sinapis arvensis, Brassica arvensis), sow-thistle yellow, chickweed satin flower (common chickweed) (Stellaria media), etc. It is also high-effective against single cotyledons, for example, field foxtail, bastard oat, chufa nut (Cypenis esculentus), barnyard grass (Panicum crussgalli), awnless barnyard-grass, ryegrass/darnel (Lolium), foxtail grass, etc.
When applying the herbicide prior to the culture sprouts appear, a herbicidal “screen” is formed. When the weeds are germinating, the active substance from the herbicidal “screen” through the roots and the stem penetrates into the plant, which leads to its further death. When vegetating unwanted plants are treated, the active substance enters the plant through the leaves, stem and partly through the root system. The growth of weeds stops immediately after they have been treated with the preparation.
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