Highly effective preparation of a wide range of action against single- and dicotyledonous weeds in areas with sunflower crops (hybrids resistant to imidazolinones).
Sunflower protection against all broomrape (Orobanche Cumana) races.
Reliable protection against weeds, including in problem areas.
Wide range of actions.
Control of future waves of weeds (soil action).
Контроль наступних хвиль бур’янів (ґрунтова дія).
Притаманна висока селективність.
The preparation is absorbed by a plant and spreading inside, by affecting the weeds growing processes, by ceasing them gradually and completely.
Preparations attributable to imidazolinones group cannot be used in one field more often than once every three years. After the preparation has applied, it should follow the next crop rotation:
– without restrictions - varieties or hybrids of sunflower, rape, resistant to herbicides to imidazolinones group;
– 4 months later - winter wheat, rye;
– 9 months later** - corn, barley ***, oats, rice, sunflower, soybeans, peas, beans, sorghum;
– 18 months later - vegetables, potatoes;
– 24 months later - sugar and fodder beets, rape, buckwheat, millet.
** If the soil pH is higher than 6.2 and the amount of precipitations is greater than 200 mm.
*** When the amount of precipitations is less than 200 mm, and pH is 6.2, there is a danger that phytotoxicity will manifest.
Оцінка 5 з 5
17.06.2024 11:53
Вперше працювали з цим препаратом, все по інструкції робили, бурянів як і не було